The boy who stole Half-Life 2

From the archive: the story behind the $250m robbery.

”On 2nd October 2003, Valve Corporation director Gabe Newell awoke in the large American city of Seattle to find the source code for the game his company had been working on for almost five years had leaked onto the internet.

The game had been due for release a couple of weeks earlier but the development team was behind. 12 months behind. Half-Life 2 was going to be late, and Newell had yet to admit how late. Such a leak was not only financially threatening but deeply embarrassing. ”

The boy who stole Half-Life 2 •

DiRT Rally 2.0 – Tips & Tricks

Dirt Rally 2.0 Graphics Options Performance Breakdown

”We’ve put together a Dirt Rally 2.0 PC performance guide to help you achieve the perfect balance between visual fidelity and high frame rates. We’ve benchmarked each and every one of Dirt Rally 2’s 30 (thirty!) graphics options. Using the chart below, you can find out just how demanding each graphics option is in Dirt Rally 2.0. demonstrating the percentage drop in frame rates when turning the graphics setting from Low to Ultra. This can provide an at-a-glance look at which graphics settings affect the frame rate the most in DR2.”


Dirt Rally 2.0 – Kausipassit

Ensimmäisen kauden lisäsisällöt on julkistettu (Season One):

– Week 1: ŠKODA Fabia Rally, Citroën C4 Rally
– Week 3: Monte Carlo Rally, Special Livery
– Week 5: BMW M1 Procar Rally, Opel Manta 400, Special Livery
– Week 7: Sweden Rally
– Week 9: Ford Focus RS Rally 2007, Subaru Impreza, Special Livery
– Week 11: Germany Rally

Season Two:
– Week 1: Peugeot 205 T16 Rallycross, Ford RS200 Evolution, Special Livery
– Week 3: Latvia RX
– Week 5: Porsche 911 SC RS, Lancia 037 Evo 2, Special Livery
– Week 7: Wales Rally
– Week 9: Lancia Delta S4 Rallycross, MG Metro 6R4 Rallycross, Special Livery
– Week 11: Germany RX

Season Three:
– x

Season Four:
– x

Flat Out Pack tulossa ilmaiseksi kaikille kausipassin omistajille.


Korjaus pitkiin latausaikoihin (huom. vanhentunut)

Tämä ongelma on jo korjattu pelin päivityksissä.

Tämä testatusti toimii, latausajat tippuivat puoleen:
Step 1: Open Dirt Rally 2.0
Step 2: Open Task Manager
Step 3: Go to ”Details”
Step 4: Right click on ”dirtrally2.exe”
Step 5: Click on ”Set affinity”
Step 6: Disable ”CPU 0”

Tai pikakuvakkeen ritirimpsulla:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start ”” /High ”C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally 2.0\dirtrally2.exe”


EECMT – EgoEngine Camera Modding Tool

Loistava apuohjelma pelin kameroiden manuaaliseen säätämiseen. Lataus tekijän Github-sivulta. Ohjeita ohjelman käyttöön Youtube-videosta.

This is a generic Camera Modding Tool for (presumably) ALL Codemasters racing games using the EGO Engine (since Dirt 1). It allows to edit any value for any camera on any car (or a selection thereof), all at once, instantly. You can backup and restore all the camera files, and even easily package them for publishing them on the internet.

DirtFix (DiRT Input Glitch Fixer) v1.3

Recent Codemasters ”DiRT” series games check for game controller changes every 2 seconds, which can cause a spike in frame times, leading to gameplay glitches. DirtFix suspends this background polling to eliminate the glitches it causes.

Tested with DiRT Rally, DiRT Rally 2.0, and DiRT 4.

Stuttering Fix:


Dirt Rallyn tiekartta:

Tuning Chart:

Trackmania Nations Forever & Windows 8/10

Suuren suosion jo Steamin puolella saanut ohje TMNF-pelin saattamiseksi toimintaan Windows 8/8.1/10 koneilla on nyt myös täällä. Käännöstä suomeksi sitten jossain vaiheessa…

Elikkäs, näin se käy:

1. Edit Nadeo.ini -file (this is the default installation path, your game files might be elsewhere.)
C:\Program Files\(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TrackMania Nations Forever\Nadeo.ini
2. Find a row with ”Distro=XXXXX”. Delete contents after ”Distro=” and change it to ”Distro=MILIN”. Save and close the file.

3. Download the update file (it says ”United Forever” in it, but it works great with TM Nations too)

4. Install the patch and point it to your Trackmania Nations Forever folder, for example:
C:\Program Files\(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TrackMania Nations Forever

5. That’s it! When the installation is finished, you are ready to play the game. Depending on what the problem was, the game should work well now.

No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 Revival Project

”Download a fully functional version of No One Lives Forever (NOLF), No One Lives Forever 2 (NOLF 2), and Contract Jack with the latest community patches for free. Download the full game for PC now. Play single-player and multiplayer NOLF games for free!

You cannot buy a functional version of No One Lives Forever or Contract Jack any more. As a result, in an attempt to keep the community alive and attract new players, No One Lives Forever and Contract Jack Revival Edition are available to all for free and are a breeze to install and play on all modern operating systems. Double click on the installer, pick a directory to extract the files, and then double click on the desktop shortcuts to play. It’s that easy.”

No One Lives Forever (NOLF 1 & 2) Revival Edition HD Widescreen Play for Free

Ja latauslinkit löytyvät tietysti itse pääsivustolta:
• No One Lives Forever 1 and 2 NOLF Contract Jack Free Download PC Revival Edition

Euro Truck Simulator 2 – Tips & Tricks

Lisää meteliä ohjaamoon seuraavalla ohjeella:

  1. Go into your My Documents\Euro Truck Sim 2\Profiles\(Profile number) and edit the config file with Notepad.
  2. Look for the line uset s_interior_volume ”1.0” and up it to 2.0, or possibly higher. So far I have only tried 2, and it sounds much more realistic to my ears.

Hyödyllisiä linkkejä:

A full navigation-map of Euro Truck Simulator 2 with ProMods

How To: Duplicate a ETS2/ATS Profile for MP/Mods or other (erittäin hyödyllistä modien ja TruckersMP:n kanssa.

ProMods v1.41 (kirjoitushetkellä) – laaja karttaa ja ympäristöä parantava ja laajentava modi. Ei toimi External Contracts – kuljetusten kanssa.-

TruckersMP – ETS2 Multiplayer Mod
Trucky – Virtual Trucker Companion – Trucky is the must have for TruckersMP players to be always in touch with game news, servers status and events. (Websovellus, overlay jne.)
– & – Convoys & Meetings–
Real time map for TruckersMP (Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer and American Truck Simulator Multiplayer)

World of Trucks – The online component of both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

Create your online playlists and export to ATS & ETS2 to play in game

Local Radio – Vaihtuvat radioasemat sijainnin mukaan.

Kehittäjän verkkosivusto

Rocket League (Psyonix)

Erilaisia kamera-asetuksia, joita ajan saatossa on tullut otettua ylös. Asetusvalikko on jo ehtinyt muuttua vuosien aikana, ja säätövaraa on nykyään entistä enemmän.
To Do: Kamera-asetukset tekstimuotoon.

Ohje: RL helposti kahdelle näytölle

Tämänkin voisi suomentaa jossain välissä…

1. Go to My Documents > My Games > RocketLeague > TAGame > Config and find the file called TASystemSettings.ini.

2. Find a row with ”ResX” and set it to 3840 (2 x 1080p), and ”ResY” to 1080 (Naturally you have to change the values if you have a different resolution monitors).

3. Press CTRL + F and search for ”borderless”, when you find it, set it to ”True”. Then search for ”fullscreen”, and change all three instances to ”False”. Save and close the file.

4. After that, when you launch the game, it should fill both monitors. Finally make sure that in options you have vertical splitscreen enabled.

My Summer Car (Amistech)

Tähän postaukseen on takoitus kerätä hyödyllistä materiaalia Amistechin loisteliaasta Suomi-simusta.

Apua auton kasaukseen:

Auton osalista:

Crank Mains-6x9mm
Piston Caps-8x7mm
Cylinder head-10x7mm
Rocker arms-5x8mm
Camshaft Gear-1x10mm
Timing Cover-6x6mm
Water pump-5x7mm
Crankshaft Pulley-1x11mm
Waterpump Pulley-4x10mm
Exhaust Manifold-5x8mm
Clutch Assembly-6x6mm
Oil Pan-8x7mm
Drive gear-7x6mm
Valve Cover-6x7mm
Fuel Pump-2x7mm
Engine hoist-2x10mm
Motor Mounts-3x11mm
Steering Rack-4x9mm
Steering Column-2x8mm
Wishbone-2x10mm each
Spindle-1x12mm each
Tierod-1x12mm each
Disc Brake-1x14mm Shared with Halfshafts
Halfshaft-3x9mm, 1x14mm shared with disc brake
Struts-4x9mm,3x10mm, 1x12mm shared with tierod
Tierod Adjust-1x14mm each
Wheel-4x15mm each
Trailing Arm-2x12mm each
Shock absorbers-1x12mm,2x6mm each
Drum Brake-1x14mm each
Electronics(to body)-2x8mm
Fuel strainer-1x8mm
Clutch Master Cylinder-1x9mm, 2x8mm
Brake Master Cylinder-1x9mm, 2x8mm
Clutch Line-2x7mm
Brake Line-8x7mm
Brake line (at wheel)-1x7mm each
Steering Wheel-1x10mm
Gas Tank-7x11mm,1x12mm (at fuel line)
Shift Linkage-3x5mm
Tach (to cluster)-2x7mm
Headlight-2x7mm each
Driver/Passenger Seat-4x9mm
Hand Brake-4x8mm,1x5mm
Fender-5x5mm each


(oli mukana eräässä early access-versiossa, ei enää käytettävissä pelin sisällä)

hemo – a teleport home.lefa – a teleport to car servicedrag – to appear on the route for race – to appear near shop.time6 – rewind of time.date3 – change of a day of the week.poor – a code on money. (to get for example 10000 type poor10000, without gaps or any sum.)keke – immortality.rcar – to move the car to the houservan – to move the van to the houseto move with rtra-the tractor into placerbed – to get enough sleepweat – to change weatherseiv – to keep a game

Auton korjaaminen helposti:

If you damage the body of your car, you can repair it by doing the following:

– Navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Amistech\My Summer Car.
– Copy and paste your savegame folder somewhere safe.
– Start a new game, save it, then exit out completely.
– Copy meshsave.txt from the new save into your saved one.
– Delete the new savegame and put your old savegame back.
– Your car will now be repaired with your work intact. This will not replace broken windows. This method keeps your massive stockpile of beer and sausages safe.
– Make meshsave.txt a read only file if you want damage to be repaired upon reloading.

The Valve Archive

Lyhyt esittely Valve Archivesta:

”The Valve Archive is a fan-run repository with over 50GBs of data from all of Valve’s games, inlcuding:

  • Beta and cut assets from various Valve games
  • Pre-release builds of some games.
  • Files and pictures from Valve’s ARGs.
  • Various game documentation and manuals.
  • Music and OSTs.
  • Officiasl photos and screenshots.
  • Press packs from conferences.
  • Cover and box art scans.
  • Video interviews and tours.
  • Archived webpages from the early days.

”We here at the Valve Archive are simply fans of Valve. None of us have any ill-will towards Valve and just want to provide rarities for the community.”

Valve Archive