Cancelled Tomb Raider 10th Anniversary / Indiana Jones build

Palanen pelihistoriaa vuodelta 2006.

”It was a re-skin version of the cancelled Tomb Raider: 10th Anniversary Edition that Core Design was developing soon after TRAE was cancelled.

“Artbase” contains the main core of the assets – locations, character models, tools used for development, geometry etc. This is currently the most complete collection of assets.

The “levels jan 2006” archive contains certain level files that have different timestamp from those in “artbase”. They could be exactly the same files, we currently don’t know but think it could be important to preserve all the versions for historical value.”

Steven Spielberg’s Director’s Choices

In 1996, Knowledge Adventure and Dreamworks published Steven Spielberg’s Director’s Chair, an ambitious game simulating the process of moviemaking. The centerpiece of the title was a short film with an all star cast directed by Steven Spielberg himself.

Since the player could take some crucial decisions in the pre-production phase, the film was shot with different plot points and tonal variants.

We salvaged the game’s raw footage and reorganized it as a real time interactive movie experience. Be prepared to choose your own path through this obscure bit of film and video game history…

Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Remastered + CustomsForge

CustomsForge-foorumi on lähde Rocksmith 2014: Remastered Editionin kanssa käytettäville yhteisön luomille DLC-kappaleille (CDLC).

CDLC:n kappaleiden käyttäminen:

1. Tarvitset peliin virallisen Cherub Rock -dlc:n, koska CustomsForgesta ladattavat kappaleet käyttävät sen AppID:tä toimiakseen. Lisäsisällön voi ostaa itselleen seuraavasta linkistä: Rocksmith® 2014 – The Smashing Pumpkins – “Cherub Rock”

Tämän jälkeen asennus PC:lle on helppoa:

2. Lataa tämä .dll-tiedosto koneellesi ja siirrä se Rocksmith 2014 -pelin pääkansioon.
3. Kopioi _p.psarc -päätteinen tiedosto (CDLC-lataus) pelin dlc -kansioon.

How to install CDLC for Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Tutorial 2017

Vice City – The Leftovers Fix

For some reason Rockstar Games ported Grand Theft Auto: Vice City from PlayStation 2 to the PC platform with a potato and because that, the game has lost features and has missing things which has been seen first time in PS2. This mod will restore them with little modifications and some improvements by our part.

Guiding The Player’s Eye

”Moving games into the third dimension introduced a new challenge for game designers: player-controlled perspective, and the host of problems associated with it. One of those problems is guiding the player’s eye. How can you direct them toward the next objective? How can you make them notice special events and clues? How can you ensure that they’re facing the right direction at the right time?”

Sivulla myös muita hyviä juttuja luettavaksi.

Forza Horizon 4 ja Teredo (Windows 10)

Peli ei saa yhteyttä moninpelipalvelimeen ja näinollen muut kuljettajat eivät näy kartalla, etkä voi itse liittyä muiden luomiin tapahtumiin. Näin se käy:

1. Click Start , type services.msc in Start search box and hit Enter.
2. Right-click the Peer Networking Grouping service and select Properties .
3. Check if the service is started; if not, right-click and select Start .
4. You may also set the Startup type to Automatic under Properties .
5. Click OK .
and restart the computer. if that dosent work. do this to.
. Run command Prompt as administrator
2. Type ”netsh” and press enter
3. Type ”int teredo” and press enter
4. Type ”set state disabled” and press enter
5. Type ”int ipv6” and press enter
6. Type ”set teredo client” and press enter

i did both steps just to be sure before restarting my pc
it seems to be a teredo issue.

it still needs to be fully fixed by Devs

Advice do not spend long times looking thru Car sections or you might lose connection to server.
