Don Rosa Epilogue

”At the last moment the Disney Corporation refused to allow my text to appear in a book series that was published under their license. On the other hand, the book series also appears under my license, so I also had the power to prevent book set #3 from being published if it did not contain my intended final text. But that was unthinkable! Fans had already received the first 6 volumes, and at no small cost! Plus the book set was so magnificently well done by Egmont! I could not allow it to be ruined.

So I agreed to allow set #3 to go forward as long as I would be allowed in volume 9 to direct interested readers to the “epilogue” as it is appearing on this private website.”

Live Universal Awareness Map

Live Universal Awareness Map (”Liveuamap”) is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety of important topics including conflicts, human rights issues, protests, terrorism, weapons deployment, health matters, natural disasters, and weather related stories, among others, from a vast array of sources. We are passionate about what we do and are energized by the positive impact we bring, as demonstrated by the loyalty and recommendations of our growing viewers across the globe.