Satunnaiset blogijulkaisut

IndieWebin tutkailua voi harrastaa kätevän verkkosivuston avulla. Painiketta napsauttamalla kävijä ohjataan satunnaiseen blogiin ja julkaisuun.

Indiewebillä viitataan siis lyhyesti yhteisöön, jonka luomaan verkostoon kuuluu ihmisten henkilökohtaisia verkko- ja kotisivustoja. Ajatuksena on kontrolli omaan tietoon ja oman sisällön omistaminen, jotta se ei olisi hajallaan sosiaalisen median jättien palvelimilla.

Fake Name Generator

Thousands of individuals, companies, and government organizations have found useful and creative things to do with the Fake Name Generator. Here are a few examples:

– Quality test data can be hard to come by, especially with laws (such as HIPAA) preventing use of real data. Read more on the dangers of testing with real data.
– Many websites, such message boards, are poorly designed, making it difficult for visitors from foreign countries to sign up for accounts. Using fake information, you can easily fill out the sign up forms and log in to the site.- Use fake information when filling out forms to avoid giving out personal information.
– Generate a false identity to use as your pseudonym on the internet. This allows you to keep your real life and your internet life separate.
– Get ideas for names to use for characters in a book or story.
– Generated credit cards can be used to test basic client-/server-side validation techniques without accidently processing a real card.
– Generated national identity numbers can be used to test basic client-/server-side validation techniques without risking disclosure of real information.

Generate a Random Name – Fake Name Generator