Thread Reader app

What is Thread Reader App?

Thread Reader App is a service that allows anyone to unroll long Twitter thread and display them on an easy to read page.

So we asked ourselves: ”What about a service that helps you unroll a full Twitter thread on a dedicated beautifully designed page to allow an easy read of the whole story?”

What else does Thread Reader App do?

Thread Reader has other interesting features, like getting a PDF Archive of a given thread, having a personalized account with a list of all of your unrolls. Notifications from your favorite authors so you don’t miss anything.

What the Font

How it works: WhatTheFont uses deep learning to search our collection of over 133,000 font styles and find the best match for the fonts in your photo. It even works with connected scripts and when there’s more than one font in an image. Just upload an image, click the font you want to identify, then check out the results.

Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Remastered + CustomsForge

CustomsForge-foorumi on lähde Rocksmith 2014: Remastered Editionin kanssa käytettäville yhteisön luomille DLC-kappaleille (CDLC).

CDLC:n kappaleiden käyttäminen:

1. Tarvitset peliin virallisen Cherub Rock -dlc:n, koska CustomsForgesta ladattavat kappaleet käyttävät sen AppID:tä toimiakseen. Lisäsisällön voi ostaa itselleen seuraavasta linkistä: Rocksmith® 2014 – The Smashing Pumpkins – “Cherub Rock”

Tämän jälkeen asennus PC:lle on helppoa:

2. Lataa tämä .dll-tiedosto koneellesi ja siirrä se Rocksmith 2014 -pelin pääkansioon.
3. Kopioi _p.psarc -päätteinen tiedosto (CDLC-lataus) pelin dlc -kansioon.

How to install CDLC for Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Tutorial 2017

Smithsonian Open Access

Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to nearly 3 million 2D and 3D digital items from our collections—with many more to come. This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.

Radio Garden

Radio Garden invites you to tune into thousands of live radio stations across the globe.

By bringing distant voices close, radio connects people and places. From its very beginning, radio signals have crossed borders. Radio makers and listeners have imagined both connecting with distant cultures, as well as re-connecting with people from ‘home’ from thousands of miles away.

Optical Illusion Paintings by Artist Robert Gonsalves

Canadian artist Robert Gonsalves creates paintings that seamlessly combine two separate realities. Despite sticking to the same formula for each image, a style heavily inspired by artists like Escher, Dali, and Magritte, they’re all immensely satisfying. I might not put these on my wall but I feel like I’ll be thinking about them every night before bed for the rest of my life. Have a look at lots more below.